Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Memorable Books of 2013

I originally wanted to call this post "The 10 Best Books I read in 2013" but then I realized that I can barely remember 10 books which I read front-to-back (or "highest to lowest bit, for eBooks" as Igor puts it). So without further ado I present you a list of books which I do remember having read in the past 12 months:

projekt@party (Beqë Cufaj)

I stumbled across this book via an online book-review one night, got the Kindle version, and promptly forgot about it again until I re-discovered it sitting on my Kindle at the beginning of the year. The center of the book is a German professor who leaves his messed-up home turf to work in international development for the United Nations in a country and society torn apart by (civil-)war. The country is vaguely set in the Balkans region which comes as no surprise given that the author Beqë Cufaj is from Pristina. In many ways projekt@party reminded me of Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures (Heidi Postlewait, Kenneth Cain and Andrew Thomson) (which I previously wrote about in February 2010) with a slightly more European tone and focus. The core themes in both books are the challenges encountered by people working in environments and cultures they don't really understand and the debauchery resulting from having too much money, too much spare time, and little local social fabric beyond an expat crowd. This may now sound a little shallow but projekt@party is a good and thought-provoking read and it will certainly have an additional appeal to people who often find themselves in environments similar to the one described in the book.

Water Music (T.C. Boyle)

On the back cover of this book you'll find this spot-on endorsement by Salman Rushdie which says: "Water Music goes over the top and also round the bend. It is a book in the worst possible taste, serves no useful purpose and is crammed with disgusting, filthy ideas. Its title will make Handel turn in his grave. It stinks of gin and Africa. It also bubbles, or should I says Boyles, with life, language, comedy, energy and other forms of weirdness." There's not much I can add to that except to say that I read the book while I was in Zambia and Laos at the beginning of the year and it was the perfect travel companion for all the places between Lusaka, Livingstone, Dubai, Luang Prabang, and Si Phan Don. Best enjoyed with a bottle of Mosi or Beerlao!

Learning to Change the World: The Social Impact of One Laptop Per Child (Charles Kane, Walter Bender, Jody Cornish, Neal Donahue)

I really should have done a longer book review after I reading it for OLPC News but unfortunately I never got around to doing it. The best way I've found to capture my thoughts and feelings while reading the book is the following: It's like spending an evening with a close friend you haven't seen in a while and three bottles of red wine. You'll hear things you haven't heard or see perspective you hadn't considered before, sometimes it's deeply reflective and thoughtful, at other times you'll have to stop yourself from laughing out loud because you'll hear absurd notions and remarks that will make you want to pull your hair out... And the next morning you'll wake up understanding your friend a little better and knowing that you had a good time. However you'll still not be able to decide whether it was worth the hangover which will overshadow the rest of your day.

Wie die Tiere (Wolf Haas)

The main reason why I read this detective story is because it's set in and around Vienna's 20th district where I currently live. Wolf Haas is a famous Austrian writer of such detective stories and crime fiction but somehow I had never gotten around to reading any of his books yet. However after reading this enjoyable story I'll definitely dive into some of his other books in the future.

Atlas eines ängstlichen Mannes (Christoph Ransmayr)

This book was a present from my parents for Christmas 2012 and for some reason I lost track of it until I found it amongst a stack of unread books in one of my shelves this summer. The book consists of several dozen short stories and impressions as experienced by the author during his extensive travels all around the world. To me reading the book felt like sitting down with a close friend and a glass of red wine and listening to his/her travel adventures and experiences for many hours. Simply put: I loved every minute of it!

Die Schrecken des Eises und der Finsternis (Christoph Ransmayr)

I had been meaning to read Ransmayr's famous book focused on the Austro-Hungarian North Pole Expedition from 1872-1874 for many years and after I was blown away by the aforementioned Atlas eines ängstlichen Mannes this was a no-brainer. And I wasn't disappointed because the depiction of the hardships endured by the crew during their 2-year journey but also everything that happened before and afterwards was simply breathtaking. Initially I wasn't entirely happy about the second storyline which is set in the present but towards the end I realized that it did have its merritts.

Burmese Days (George Orwell)

As Wikipedia puts it: "It is a tale from the waning days of British colonialism, when Burma was ruled as part of the Indian empire – "a portrait of the dark side of the British Raj." At its centre is John Flory, "the lone and lacking individual trapped within a bigger system that is undermining the better side of human nature."" Orwell is definitely one of my favorite 20th century authors. I particularly like his uncanny ability to accurately portrait seemingly out-of-the-ordinary societies and individuals in seemingly out-of-the-ordinary circumstances, regardless of whether it's in the famous 1984, Animal Farm or the lesser known Homage to Catalonia (Orwell's account of his experiences in the Spanish Civil War). Burmese Days is no exception and reading it while in Malaysia made it all the more powerful.

The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind (William Kamkwamba, Bryan Mealer)

Of all the books I read in 2013 this is the one I've been meaning to read for the longest time. It was probably in mid-2010 when I first heard about William Kamkwamba's now famous TED talk in which he describes how the built a windmill in his Malawi hometown using scraps and knowledge learned from old science books he borrowed from a local library. The 6-minute TED talk is well worth watching but of course it doesn't really do his challenges, efforts, failures, and ultimate success any justice. To me the most memorable take-aways from the book were his chilling descriptions of the effects of extreme poverty and starvation on himself, the people around him, and Malawi society in general. His endurance and ultimate success is what made William TED-worthy so to say but that's really only half (or actually a quarter) of his powerful story.

The Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins)

I had initially filed this book under "guilty pleasure" but after finishing it in 3 or 4 days straight I'll say that it was just a pleasure. Admittedly I have a thing for dystopian young adult fiction (e.g. last year I read Little Brother and Homeland by Cory Doctorow and loved both of them) but besides that Suzanne's Collins' book is simply a well-paced story, with an interesting heroine, and set in an interesting world. A perfect page-turner!

The Given Day (Dennis Lehane)

At just north of 700 pages this is certainly the longest book I read this year. And I read it in 4 short days around Christmas last week. Yes, it really is that good! The early 20th century setting, the extremely well developed characters, the detailed descriptions of Boston's streets and society, the interwoven story lines, etc. all make for an extremely compelling book. Oh, and if you like Boardwalk Empire you'll very likely also enjoy The Given Day as much as I did.

Now looking back at this list I realize that I read the majority of these books in the second half of the year. Or maybe I simply forgot about the ones I read in the first six months of 2013;-)

Anyway, last week I started reading The Yellow Birds (Kevin Powers) which Amazon describes as an "unforgettable depiction of the psychological impact of war, by a young Iraq veteran and poet" and I'm liking it so far. Sticking with the war theme I'll then probably dive into Die letzten Tage der Menschheit (Karl Kraus) which is set in World War I before deciding which of the many other books on my Kindle and shelf I'll tackle next.

Oh, and Happy New Year everyone! :-)

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Photos from my most recent San Francisco trip

Tonight I finally managed to upload about three dozen photos from my most recent trip to San Francisco in October to catch up with friends and attend the OLPC SF Community Summit 2012 and Sugarcamp++.    

Driving across the Golden Gate Bridge on our morning commute (foggy)

Friday, March 9, 2012

TechnikBasteln – Technology Tinkering

Thanks to sponsorship via the 6th NetIdee call of the Internet Foundation Austria (IPA) we at OLPC (Austria) were able to launch a new project in November 2011 - TechnikBasteln (which half-decently translates into Technology Tinkering):

“TechnikBasteln is an innovative and interdisciplinary project which is focused on children. They are accompanied by us in experiencing, learning about, and understanding information and communication technologies (ICT) in workshops. Among other topics, these workshops address how computers and mobile phones work, the structure of the Internet, and how to safely use these tools and technologies.”

Since November 2011 Tanja and me have spent a lot of time planning and preparing these workshops, researching about other projects and content related to what we want to achieve, contacting teachers, schools, and other organizations to let them know what we’re doing, etc.

Now this week we launched the second phase of our project as we held the first two workshops in primary schools here in Vienna. The first one was focused on some of the basic technologies of the Internet and the second one was all about the building blocks of modern computers. We had a great time in both classes, the children also seemed to like what we were doing, we got good feedback from the teachers, and while there is room for improvements overall the concepts we had developed over the past few months worked really well.

So even though the past few days were really busy and intense (and I’m now in dire need of a relaxing weekend!) I’m also very happy with the progress we’ve made with TechnikBasteln and am already very much looking forward to our next workshops.

Monday, February 27, 2012

A List of Countries I've Been To

I can't remember who I was talking to but several months ago I got the idea of writing up a list of countries I've been to. I put it on my to-do list and promptly forgot about it. That is until I boarded my plane from Boston to Washington, D.C. on my latest trip (the 7th 8th as it turns out) to the United States earlier today.

So here's the full list with all the countries where I've spent at least one night:
  1. Argentina
  2. Belgium
  3. Bolivia
  4. Canada
  5. Cambodia
  6. Chile
  7. China
  8. Croatia
  9. Czech Republic
  10. Cyprus
  11. Denmark
  12. Egypt
  13. England
  14. France
  15. Germany
  16. Greece
  17. Hungary
  18. India
  19. Ireland
  20. Italy
  21. Japan
  22. Laos
  23. Malaysia
  24. Morocco
  25. Mongolia
  26. Nepal
  27. Netherlands
  28. Norway
  29. Paraguay
  30. Peru
  31. Poland
  32. Portugal
  33. Russia
  34. Saudi Arabia
  35. Slovakia
  36. Slovenia
  37. South Korea
  38. Spain
  39. Sri Lanka
  40. Sweden
  41. Switzerland
  42. United Arab Emirates
  43. United States
  44. Uruguay
  45. Taiwan
  46. Thailand
  47. Turkey
  48. Zambia
Brazil also got close to being included in the list, after all my passport has three Brazilian entrance stamp in it. However since the only night I spent there was a long ~8 hour layover at the aiport in Sao Paolo it didn't quite qualify, despite that one afternoon I spent exploring Sao Paolo during another layover and my visit to the Brazilian side of the Iguazu waterfalls.

Other countries I've been to but didn't spend a night in are:
  • Denmark done!
  • Luxembourg
  • Portugal
Additionally I've flown through the following airports but unfortunately didn't get a chance to visit the respective countries:
  • Abu Dhabi (UAE) done!
  • Amsterdam (Netherlands) done!
  • Doha (Qatar)
  • Dubai (UAE)done!
  • Panama City (Panama)
It's certainly quite a trip down memory lane to think of all these travel experiences. Needless to say I can't wait to add more countries to the first list above and if things go as planned then the Philippines should make an appearance there sooner rather than later.

Edit: My father just pointed out to me that as per my criterion I would also have to add Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand to the list of countries I’ve been to. However given that I was less than 3 years-old at that time I don’t think these countries really count – which of course gives me all the more reason to try and visit them soon! ;-)

Update (2013-01-07): I just realized that for some reason I had totally forgotten to include Turkey in the list. I've now corrected this omission.
Update (2013-03-04): After my most recent trips I was able to add Cambodia, Laos, Zambia, and Thailand to the list.
Update (2013-05-17): Added Denmark to the list.
Update (2013-12-30): Added Malaysia to the list.
Update (2014-10-12): Added Cyprus to the list.
Update (2014-10-27): Just realized that I had totally forgotten about a work trip from earlier in the year which brought me to Bratislava for a night. Which means I was able to add Slovakia to the list.
Update (2015-01-24): Added United Arab Emirates to the list.
Update (2015-08-29): Added Portugal to the list.
Update (2015-12-07): Added Chile to the list.
Update (2016-01-10): Added Egypt - which I had visited in October but had forgotten to add then - to the list. Thanks for the reminder L.!
Update (2017-04-05): Added Sri Lanka to the list.
Update (2017-08-26): Added India and Saudi Arabia to the list.
Update (2018-03-30): Added Ireland to the list.
Update (2018-05-02): Added Norway to the list.
Update (2019-09-06): Added Japan to the list.
Update (2024-08-11): Added South Korea to the list.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

An Inspiring Quote from Steve Jobs [video]

There is no shortage of thought-provoking, inspiring, and just generally thoughtful comments made by Steve Jobs. However this one, which has been making the rounds on many social networks lately, really might just be one of his most inspiring ones.

"When you grow up you tend to get told the world is the way it is and you're life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money.

That's a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it, you can build your own things that other people can use.

Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again."

Monday, September 19, 2011

Photos from Dresden and Paris

Travel-wise these past few months have been very dull around here. Since my return from Madrid at the beginning of July I spent the entire so-called summer in Upper Austria and Vienna. Now in the first half of September I finally had a chance to travel a bit as I attended the DeLFI 2011 conference in Dresden, Germany where I presented a paper about OLPC before heading to Paris, France to attend Sugar Camp #2, a 3-day gathering of OLPC and Sugar volunteers.

In Dresden I really only had one evening and half an afternoon to wander around the city so there weren’t many opportunities to take photos. As a result the corresponding Flickr album is really quite thin.

dresden Frauenkirche in the dusk

In Paris I had more time to snap photos (album), first of all to document and share what was going on at Sugar Camp #2 and secondly because I stayed an extra day to be able to visit some places where I hadn’t been on my three prior trips to the city. One place which was very high on my agenda was Père Lachaise cemetery where famous people such as Jim Morrison, Oscar Wilde, Edith Piaf, and many others are buried.

paris Jim Morrison's grave at Père Lachaise cemetery

This was also the first time that I exclusively relied on my Nexus S Android smartphone to take photos. Even though I actually had the small Canon IXUS 100IS in my back bag the convenience of quickly being able to share the photos was a major advantage of the Nexus S. I have to say I was also pleasantly surprised by the quality of the images. The IXUS 100IS would have certainly been able to take better shots under difficult conditions but overall the quality of the phone camera photos are really good enough.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Photos from Spain

My five months here in Madrid are quickly coming to an end – I will fly back to Vienna on Thursday evening – so I thought this is a good time to briefly mention the photos I took on my various trips here in Spain. As always I’ve uploaded them to my Flickr account and the individual albums available there are:

IMG_3080 My favorite view of Sevilla’s Plaza de España