Monday, February 4, 2008

olpcaustria blog goes soup

During a meeting dedicated to planning our presence at CeBIT in March it was decided that OLPC Austria needs to get a blog so we can document the work that we're doing. I'm not sure whether it was Simon or Helga who came up with the idea of using soup, that is, a very light-weight KISS (that's keep it simple, stupid) blogging-service that was invented right here in Vienna.

I have to say that I'm extremely impressed with and especially its interface that really gets out of the way and let's you post links, texts, pictures, etc. in close to no time. I think it would be a bit too simplistic for my own blogging needs, especially since I love having those long lists of links, places I want to travel to, etc. on the right hand side of the blog. However for the intended purposes, keeping people posted about what OLPC Austria is up to, it's just perfect!

So head over to where for now you can see Helga, Daniel and me hackin' away on the Activitiy Handbook.

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